viernes, 11 de junio de 2010
miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
1. Where are you from?
I'm from in Australia
2. Are you on holidays here? Are you having a good time?
Yes. Yes we are.
3. Why did you choose Catalonia for your holidays?
We have choosed all Spain and we are come down, and now go to Paris. So, it's not choose Catalonia.
4. Where are you staying?
The Hotel Rambla
5. Are you with a group? How many people are you with?
No. Just as.
6. How long are you staying in Catalonia/Spain?
Four weeks.
7. Do you speak Spanish or Catalan?
Nothing. Solo la cuenta por favor.
8. Do you think people here speak good English?
Yes, the young people speak good but old people, no. I can't understand.
9. Have you visited other places in Catalonia/Spain?
Girona, Barcelona and the mountains
10. Which place did you like best?
This place is very good.
11. Which didn't you like so much?
Denies, but not there
12. What do you think of the Dali Museum?
Have not peining. I have a ticket, we going later.
13. Do you like Catalan/Spanish food?
14. Have you bought any souvenirs?
Not here.
15. Are Catalans/Spanish friendly in your opinion?
Yes. 50, 50.
16. Would you like to come back again?
We answer to the other group. We trourist and like to see a lot of things. We have an holidays and we have relaxed.
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
My somgs
This is the letter...
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave tear drops everywhere
You'd think me rude but I would just stand and
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns, slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cause everything is never as it seems
Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach my how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sock-hop beneath my bed
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread
(Thread, thread...)
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns, slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cause everything is never as it seems
(When I fall asleep)
Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
(Said farewell)
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar
(Jar, jar, jar...)
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns, slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cause everything is never as it seems
(When I fall asleep)
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns, slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.
And this is the translate...
No creerías en tus ojos
si diez millones de luciérnagas
encendieran el mundo mientras me quedaba dormido.
Porque ellas llenarían el aire libre y dejarían lágrimas en todas partes,
creerás que soy un ordinario
pero yo sólo estaría de pie y miraría fijamente.
Me gustaría convencerme
que el planeta Tierra gira lentamente, es difícil decir que yo prefiero quedarme
despierto cuando estoy dormido
porque las cosas no son lo que parecen.
Porque conseguiría mil abrazos
de diez mil luciérnagas
mientras ellas intentaran enseñarme a bailar.
Un cómic encima de mi cabeza,
un salto de calcetín bajo mi cama,
una bola de disco colgando de un hilo.
Me gustaría convencerme
que el planeta Tierra gira lentamente, es difícil decir que yo prefiero quedarme
despierto cuando estoy dormido,
porque las cosas no son lo que parecen cuando estoy dormido.
Deja mi puerta entreabierta
(por favor, sácame de aquí)
porque me siento como un insomne (por favor, sácame de aquí)
por qué me canso de contar ovejas?
(por favor, sácame de aquí)
cuando estoy demasiado cansado para dormirme.
Para diez millones de luciérnagas
soy raro porque odio las despedidas
mis ojos se empañan mientras se despiden.
Pero sabré dónde están
si mis sueños se hacen extraños
porque he guardado unas cuantas y las conservo en un frasco.
Me gustaría convencerme
que el planeta Tierra gira lentamente,
es difícil decir que yo prefiero quedarme despierto cuando estoy dormido,
porque las cosas no son lo que parecen cuando estoy dormido.
Me gustaría convencerme
que el planeta Tierra gira lentamente,
es difícil decir que yo prefiero quedarme
despierto cuando estoy dormido,
porque las cosas no son lo que parecen, cuando estoy dormido.
Me gustaría convencerme
que el planeta Tierra gira lentamente,
es difícil decir que yo prefiero quedarme despierto cuando estoy dormido,
porque mis sueños
están hasta los topes.
My experiences with meriem
Meriem and Africa have done a very projects together this year: Romeo and Juliet, Metode Gromhol, The Darkness Loness, Project of writting, Project of research.
We have done a lot of silly things together, we smile together, crying, we had scary... together
In Africa's house we laughed together a lot while we did a project. The best laugh because Africa's brother and Africa's cousin, Wijam.
In Meriem's house we laughed together a lot because Meriem's brother stuck to Africa, by Meriem and Meriem's sister always do silly things with Japanese and Koreans
En la casa De la Meriem nos hemos treído un monton por culpa de mi hermano que pegaba a la Africa, por mi y mi hermana que sempre hacemos tonterias con los japoneses y los coreanos, por la Africa que hace tonterias...
Today this custom is very important for the people, for this reason, the men have created a new sistems for the comunication: The telephone, televicion, mail (on air, sea, land, etc.) and Internet.
Since ten years, the people use the internet for comunicate. One example very popular is the msn, messenger, fotolog, blogs, etc.
But I believe that the most important in this moment is the facebook, as it is the most new invent in comunication and is the most funny.
In the Facebook I can teach my photos and comment this. My friends also can comment my photos and is very funny also that I known a new persons and new friend. I have known a people of the japan, as it they share a similar likes with me.
My Facebook is Afrikita but my friends call me "Friky". I love facebook!

But today I recorded this moments, when I was crying because the vegetables did not like... Was be very stupid.
The food is very important for the people, I believe that the men has created for eat vegetables and pulses. Also, the meat can make that the persons leave them wrinkle!
Every day, I see people that don't eat meat, the reason of this people is that they believe that is incorrect kill the animals for eating. Sometimes I believe that this is real. I hate that the men kills of the animals, I love the animals and nature.

But also I see that the animals kill animals for eat. Is the animals norm: win the best and the most strong.
Well, arrivals in this part my opinion is very confusing. Ok, eat or not eat meat is decision of each one.
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
how cook a cake and not die in the intent...
ok, the first pass is: not have scary. This action is completely normal and beautyfull.
let's go!
6 eggs.

3 cups sugar.

1 cup water.


steps for the cream:
1- Stir the egg white in a circular moviment (Is necessary use a whisk, help of this instrument will do not get tired)
2- Heat the sugar with the water. When it be liquid, mix with the cream of the eggs.
3- mix the cream until it be white.
Steps for the cake:
ingredients for the cake:
1 yogurt.

2 cups of sugar

3 cups of wheat
1/2 cup of oil


1- mix the eggs with the sugar, when they be uniform, pull the yeast.
2- mix the inicial paste with the wheat and the oil.
3- the final step is pull the yogut and the mixture will be prepared.
4. bake until pass 30 minutes in 175º C of temperature.
sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

This post will be the most strange of all. I want to speak of the sky.
Ok, i don't were this person that believe in the inmortality on the spirit :), my intention of this post is speak that, for my, the sky is very beautiful...
When I been sad, I like see the sky and look its light: The sun, the moon, the starts, etc.

Since I was a girl the space I like, and I was dreaming that I was astronaut. xD
I always like fly with a plane, above all when the sky is covered with clouds. Is a very beautiful! The clouds are similar in sea, but this sea is white and the sky is blue.
once, I was flying to venezuela and I saw the clouds in the sky, in this moment in the plane, I could listen a beautyfull song, but I couldn't listen this song again. Is very sad!
work, home and money. The relation inter the people is not similar to before. Is realy poor that the people no believe in the love... The love in this time is a sentiment that influences depending of the money and the beauty. Some people belive that the beauty is necessary for a love. I don't believe in this...
The love is a sentiment, and the love is addressed to they similar person of you. Is necessary know that the love is a chemistry reaction and the beauty also imported.
But not is the most important. The most important in the love is the personality, some belive that the personality of the boyfriend/girlfriend is resisted, but is not real. In my country have a proverb that says: Don't existed ugly graceless, neither beautifull faultless. Says wanting that the real love is in the personality and not in the beauty or the money.

ok, ok, in my opinion, i see a beautiful guy and I say: woooo is very beautiful... ;), but i see a very beautiful guys but they are unpleasant.
martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

In this quarter, I didn’t go to holidays. I was boring…
This list is the program that I was using in my holidays:
1 Saturday: Sleep, play video-games, Draw With phtosho and Chatting with Messenger.
2 Sunday: Sleep, play video-games, Draw With phtosho and Chatting with Messenger.
3 Monday: Sleep, play video-games, Draw With phtosho and Chatting with Messenger.

Is very stressful!
But I was had an idea, and I invent a videogame. This videogame is “the monster” and I invent a scenary of horror and I use a dinosaur that fighting with King-Kong and this dispar a moneys of gold… I know that this argument is very crazy. But is funny!
Well, my brother and my cousin play with this game and they were laughed 30 minutes…
My inventios are very crazy… In this moth I created more of three histories very crazies...

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010
Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors and images in the film: WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...), DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?
Water: This element is in the Greek mythology and represents the women, the forest and mistery. This a Love element and is the signal catastrophe.
Fire: this element represents the hatred, jealousy and passion. In the movie, this element is used for the war.
Day: In the novels the day is a simbol of the truth and the wisdom. The day is the perfect simbol for the Friar Laurence, for example.
Nigth: The best simbol of the love is the nigth, it is dark and beautyfull. The moon is the principal part for this element. The nigth, in Romeo and Juliets's history is a most using element. I very love this element!
sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010
My songs
My favourite song in this moment is When I'm gone of the Simple Plan.
Mi frien Sellés is a the most fan of this group and every day have a tracksuit of this group.
this is a translation in spanish...
Yeah es mi vida
en mis propias palabras creo
has amado tanto ha alguien que das un brazo por eso?
no la expresion, no literalmente das un brazo por eso?
cuando ellos saben ellos son tu corazon
y tu sabes que eres su armadura
y destruirias a cualquiera que tratara de dañarla
pero que pasa cuando el karma se te regresa y te ataca
y todo por lo que uno esta parado se te regresa con rencor
que pasa cuando tu te conviertes en la principal fuente del dolor
"papi mira que hise"
"papa consigui atrapar elplano"
"papi donde esta mami? no puedo encontrar a mami, donde esta?"
no lo se ve a jugar, hailie bebe tu papa esta ocupado
papi esta escribiendo esta cancion, esto no se escribira por si solo
te deje con esto, entonces tendras que columpiarte por ti misma
entonces escribo una rima en la cancion y le dices que la amas
y pones las mamos en una foto de tu mama
ese es slim shady, yeah bebe slim shady esta loco
shady me hiso pero esta noche shady a encallado para bebe
y cuando me valla, tengan en cuenta no hacer luto
disfruta cada vez que escuches el sonido de mi voz
solo entiende que yo me estoy esforsando para que sonrias
y no sentire dolor asi que bebe no seintas dolor solo devuelveme la sonrisa
sigo teniendo este sueño- estoy empujando a hailie en el columpio
y sigue gritando ella no quiere que cante
, " tu haces que mami llore, por que? por que mami esta llorando?
bebe papi ya no te dejara jamaz
"papi tu estas mintiendo, tu siempre dices eso, siempre dices que es la ultima ves
pero papi no te iras ahora, papi tu eres mio!"
ella esta colocando cajas enfrente de la puerta tratando de bloquearla
"papi por favor no me dejes no detente"
busca en sus bolsillos y saca un collar cerrado tiene uan foto adentro
" esto te mantendra seguro papi, toma tenlo contigo"
miro bien y soy yo mirandome en el espejo, estas jodidas paredes deben estar habalndo
por que puedo escucharlas
dicen que tengo un ultimo chance para hacerlo correcto y es esta noche
ahora ve con ellas y muestrales que las amas antes de que sea tarde
y solo en lo que salgo de mi cuarto salgo por la puerta y estoy en el ecenario
ellas se han ido y las luluces s eprenden y yo estoy cantando
y cuando me valla, tengan en cuenta no hacer luto
disfruta cada vez que escuches el sonido de mi voz
solo entiende que yo me estoy esforsando para que sonrias
y no sentire dolor asi que bebe no seintas dolor solo devuelveme la sonrisa
60000 personas todas brincando en sus asientos
las cortinas se cierran ellos tiran rosas a mis pies
tomo un ramo "y gracias por aver venido"
ellos estan gritando muy fuerte miro una ves mas el ecenario
echo un vistaso abajo no puedo creer lo que estoy viendo
"papi soy yo ayuda a mamisus muñecas estan sangrando"
pero bebe como.. , como lograste venir?
"te segui papi tu me dijiste que no nos dejarias
tu me mentiste papi y ahora hisite poner triste a mami
y y te compre este broche dice papa numero 1, eso estodo lo que queria
solo queria darte este broche
entendioi el punto bien yo y mama nos vamos"
pero bebe espera-
" es muy tarde papi tomaste tu decicion, ahora ve con ellos y muestrales tu amor
mas que a nosotras
eso es lo que ellos quieren
ellos te quieren marshall, siguen gritando tu nombre no es sorprendente que no puedas dormir
solo toma otra pildora yeah haslo lo haras
tu rapeas hacerca de eso yeah mantenlo real"
escucho una pausa, todo este tiempo no lo pude ver
como es posible que la cortina se este cerrando en mi
me doy la vuelta busco una pistola en el suelo corto el cartucho la pongo en mi cabeza
grito muere shady y disparo
el cielo obscuro y pasa my vida en capitulos
el plan que se suponia estaria era en un choque y quemandome en las cenisas
es entonces que me despierto la alarma suena
hay pajaros cantando es primavera
hailie esta afuera columpiandose
camino directo hasia Kim y la beso le digo que la extrañe
hailie solo sonrie y le giña el ojo a su pequeña hermana
casi como si dijiera-
y cuando me valla, tengan en cuenta no hacer luto
disfruta cada vez que escuches el sonido de mi voz
solo entiende que yo me estoy esforsando para que sonrias
y no sentire dolor asi que bebe no sintas dolor solo devuelveme la sonrisa
Linux vs Windows
After, was born Linux. Linux is a SO free, that serves for totality movement in the internet and the programs of the comput. Also don't infec of virus, and is very speed.
on the hand, Windows is a SO that picks alot of virus. Is very slow and don't can used many programs.
Windows is the most popular SO, but Linux is the best SO.

La declaración
The history present a world in the future that the persons drinks a potion that they was been inmortal.
But the land fills and the people don't could have children.
But there are people who have children and this kids, the sending in reformatory.
The history is has close a girl that escape with a friend. And the police seek they.
The end of this book is very sad. The fathers of the boys are dead and the boys are discriminated for the people.

My drawing
In this quarter I want present my last play.

In this image I drawn a girl. But I was had ingenious idea, instead that I draw the face I take the image of the internet persons.
This is my model:

In this foto, the girl that this in the center is mi model and I cut she's face and retoc the image in photoshop. After I was erased the black lines that don't served, I change the eyes and the nose and the result is this.
This is a other paint that I modific. In this case, the model is I'm. But I don't this present the real foto that I left very ugly.


My favourite season is the spring. Oh! in the spring the flowers are born and the color is inpresionant. I like the color of the trees, intense green, the colors of the flowers: Red, yelow, purpure, white, blue, orange...
In the spring also are born the little animals. I very like the birds. Is the most animal beautyfull.
Also, in the spring is born the LOVE. The love is very important for the heart and is very difficult remain lonely in the world.
My favourite video-game
But in the liberal moments, I like play the videogames that is very emotional, wonderfull and funny.
Now, my favourite videogames are Metin2 and Two Memories. Ok, y know that the war games are very violents, but I like that my virtual friends chatting with my.

In the Two Memories, the thing is very diferent that the play is of misterious. My avatar is a detective and she helper a ghost child.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
Shakespeare's time

The Queen of this moment was been Elizabeth I of england. And the King of this moment was been Edward VI of England
What country was a great rival of England during this time?
What happened with the Spanish Armada?
The Spanish armada was comanded by Duke of Medina Sidonia and he want overthrowing the title of the Isabel I of england.
Why was the Elisabethan era described as golden?
That the Elizabethan era was been the most time for the progres of the economy and the culture.
Shakespeare's fame
His words are used today around the world.
Bearing in mind the above distinction between "coined", "cited in dictionaries", and "earliest surviving written use", calculating a "number of words first recorded in Shakespeare" requires defining how one counts words.
How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language?
8000 words.
In which play did he say "To be or not to be. That is the question"?
Look for another famous word/quotation invented by Shakespeare and translate it into Catalan/Spanish
Una rosa pot tenir qualsevol nom, però sempre fa una bona olor.
Who died on the same day as Shakespeare?
What was Shakespeare's nick?
"The Bard of Avon?"
How many films have been adapted from his work?
Why is shakspeare so famous?
Shakespeare's life
When was he born? Find a photo of him
He was born in 26 April 1564
Where was he born? Include a map with the place
In Stratford-upon-Avo
What was his family?
Shakespeare's parents were John and Mary Shakespeare, who lived in Henley Street, Stratford.
Who was his wife? Include her photo
Anne Hathaway
Did he have children?
William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, a successful glover and alderman originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer.
How old was he when he died?
52 aproximate
viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009
Day in my life

The best day in my live I was returned to venezuela. I visit my best friends because are very good people.
In the past my friends and me we were a kids group. But today we have grown.
My best friends are:
Sulami, sujam, Samira, Sara, Marcos, Rafael, Paola, Marian, annadelis, Tom, Jose, Jan, Carlos, Magalis, Rose, Gavi, Elisa, etc, etc, etc...